SBI Associate Bank Clerk Call Letter|Admit Card 2015|Result|Recruitments

SBI Associate Bank Clerk Admit Card 2015 Interview Call Letter

SBI Associate Bank Clerk Call Letter 2015

All those applicants who have cleared their online examination for recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officers in associate bank can able to download the  SBI Associate Bank Clerk Call Letter 2015 for Interview round.  Selected candidates will definitely able to get their job after SBI Associate Bank Interview Admit Card through online mode or via below described link as well.

SBI Associate Bank Interview Call Letter 2015

State Bank of India (SBI) used to organize and can also conduct time to time different recruitment on basis of different concerned banks like (SBBJ, SBM, SBH, SBT, and SBP). And this year too the official department has also conducted online written test for total of 6245 vacant posts of Clerk cadre in the associate’s bank, and which can be going to held in January/February month and after that they will release the results status after little waiting time period.

Presently all those candidates who can get shortlisted through this written exam going to attend their interview process which can going to holds on 11th May probably. But before that, candidates have to download their SBI Associate Bank call letter, which is can be available on after 27th April.

Recruiting Organisation State Bank of India (SBI)
Details About SBI Associate Bank Clerk Admit Card 2015
Interview date 11th May
Admit card declare on 27th May 2015

SBI Associate Bank Interview Hall Ticket 2015

Applicants who have given try to this examination and get qualified in their written examination test, can able to check the SBI Associate Bank Interview Call Letter 2015 through the help of online mode (only shortlisted applicants).

This hall ticket is necessary for your Interview round and in the absence of it, you can not be able to attend the process which can going to happen at their, so don’t forget it, when you are going to attend your PI process.

This Interview process is necessary for all those applicants who have already qualified the written test and now your selection is purely depend up on your personal interview and your ability to crack it. If you have difficulty in downloading your hall ticket then you can also check the below provided process.

Download SBI Associate Bank Clerk Call Letter 2015

  • Visit the official site of the organization via: “”.
  • Then select the “Careers option” in tab column.
  • You have to search for related recruitment option over their.
  • Now you have to choose desirable link from listed recruitment process and enter your all the information in required fields.
  • Then proceed with your complete details like: registration no. and finally hit submit button in the end.
  • And you click on submit button, your admit card can appear in your system.
  • Now you can save it in your favorite formats.

Some Necessary Link:

Check your SBI Result of your Written Online Examination

Your call letter can be updated online through this official link

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