PGCIL Admit Card – Power Grid Field Supervisor Hall Ticket

Download Power Grid (PGCIL) supervisor  Admit Card 2015

PGCIL Admit Card 2015

Power Grid Hall Ticket 2015:

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has already announced the recruitment notification for the candidate who are interested, but after collecting form from various candidates those who have  filled their form for recruitment of Field Engineer (289 Vacant post)- Electrical, Field Engineer- Civil, Field Supervisor- Electrical and Field Supervisor- Civil. Now all those applicants surely looking for their Power Grid Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2015.

According to the official notification last date to fill form was 7th January, 2015 and now all the applied  candidates have to look out their hall ticket here and there on the website. So we can hope this admit card will release in the last week of February by the organization. And all you have to do is keep your eyes on official website regularly.

Name of the Organisation Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
Information Regarding Power Grid Admit Card 2015
Hall ticket Tentative dates In last week of Feb, 2015
Status Not Available

Download PGCIL Field Supervisor Admit Card 2015:

After filling form through online medium or offline medium, applied and eligible candidates want to know about their exact examination dates by the help of official web-site, we can also provide you all the necessary information related to topic dates. When ever your PGCIL Field Supervisor admit card  2015 releases, we will provides you direct link from our website.

For all of us POWER GRID is playing a great role in the growth of Indian power sector by enhancing a vigorous included National Grid and associate in main flagship programme of Indian Govt. and every one want to be a part of these known organization for bright future and to serve for the country directly. Here we are providing some easy steps download your hall ticket directly from official website.

Follow the steps to check Power Grid Admit Card 2015:

  • Visit the official website i.e. “
  • Then click on “Career” option from top of web site.
  • After that you have to click on correct link from it.
  • Then, you have to fill all the necessary details that are required.
  • And after submission, your admit card will display on the screen.
  • Save it in .pdf or .xls format to get entry in examination hall.

For more information and to get hall ticket/admit card visit the official website. And leave comment below for having enquiry and doubt about downloading admit card.

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