XAT Results Cut Off Marks 2015

XAT Results||Cut Off Marks||Answer key 2015 – xatonline.net.in

XAT Exam 2015

XAT Results 2015:

Xavier Aptitude Test conducted on 4th January, 2015 and if you wish to check your XAT Results 2015 then might be on correct place. As soon as official will declares it, we will upload it through our website. Xavier Labor Relations Institute (XLRI) will soon update the scores of aptitude test which was organize in separate format i.e. A, B, C, D. And you will also check Cut off list on official website soon.

We know that few months ago, XLRI has announces online notification for Xavier Aptitude Test and after that exam has been successfully conducted on 4th Jan. 2015, by the XLRI  through its web portal. Due of highly recognition of this institute, large number of candidates shows their interest in this aptitude test and filled the application form for having entry in the examination hall. After having exams now, all are eagerly waiting for their results.

Name of the organization Xavier Labor Relations Institute (XLRI)
Announcement Type XAT Results 2015 
Exam Due Date 4th Jan. 2015
Results Announcement Last week of Feb/March 2015

XAT 2015 Cut Off Marks:

After exam completion all the applied candidates of XAT exam, are eagerly waiting for Cut Off Marks by the help which they can know what is the actual cut off marks for different MBA aptitude test.

Here, we can provide you the actual cut off marks, results, score card which will be coming soon. And you just have to keep your eyes on our web portal. Below are some easy steps to download cut off marks list by online mode.

Follow Steps to download XAT Results 2015:

  • Firstly, Visit the official website “xatonline.net.in”
  • And search for the appropriate link and click on ii.
  • After that enter your required details like registration number and Password etc.
  • After clicking on submit button your score will appear on screen.
  • Save these in .pdf or .xls format for next time use.

Important Links:

Visit official website to check your result.

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