Questions Asked In Indian Civil Service Exam Interview

Civil Service Examination Interview Question

Civil Service Interview Question || Interview Question || IAS Interview Question || UPSC Interview Questions

IAS Interview Questions Asked

Indian Civil Services are one of the most important competitive sectors to find a job for you. Each year, number of candidates used to give the examination with the hope that that they could able to have a job among the brilliants minds with in the country.

Moreover, clearing through the main test or the interview round for this post is considered as hardest job in the country, where candidates use to prepare for these for long time and try to achieve the goal. So let’s have a look on 15 most puzzle questions through by the examiner during interview session.

UPSC Last Year Interview Question

1.How will you drop a raw egg without cracking it on concrete made floor?

Ans: Concrete floors are very hard to crack!

2. What looks like half apple?

Ans: Another half.

3. What if, I will run away with your sister?

Ans: The applicant who got selected said, “I will not find a best match for my sister than you.”

4. ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) = 30. This is all you have for the provided equation. The following are some numbers that you can use to fill in equation: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. You can also repeat the numbers if needed. The resulting sum must be equal to 30.

Ans. This is not told if you can use sign or not so the only possible solution to have this is via: (15 – 9) + (13 – 7) + (7 – 1) + (9 – 1) + (13 – 9).

If you solve these terms in brackets, you will get something similar kind of equation 6 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 4

And by adding all these numbers, you will get 30 which is the required answer.

5. Luios saw his reflection on the window mirror of the 45th floor. Driven by an irrational impulse, he made a leap through the window on the other side. Even Luios didn’t encounter even a single bruise. How this could be possible if he did neither landed on a soft surface nor used a parachute?

Ans. Luios is a window cleaner who was tired after his work on the 45th floor and thus leaped inside the building.

6. Using one straight line, will you make the following equation right. 5+5+5=550?

Ans. Draw a tilted line on 1st plus (+) operator, so that + will become 4 and problem solved as 🙂

The equation will become true as: 545+5=550.

7. A murderer is sentenced to death. He has three choices. He has to opt between three rooms. The first room is full of raging fires, the second one is full of assassins with guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten anything for a year. Which room is safest for him?

Ans. The third room. Lions that haven’t eaten in anything in one year are dead.

8. Name three consecutive days without using the these: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday?

Ans. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

9. This is a paragraph. I’m curious as to just how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work on it a little bit, you might find out. Try to do so without any coaching!

Ans. The letter ‘e’, which is the most common letter used in the English language, does not appear in any line.

10. What if one morning you woke up and find out that you are pregnant.

Ans. Girl – I will tell to my husband and we will celebrate together.

11. Twins (Ram and Shyam) born in May but their birthday is in June. How’s this happen?

Ans. May is the name of the town.

12. The peacock is a bird that does not give eggs. Then how do they have baby peacocks?

Ans. From peahen.

13. If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, then what is four and five?

Ans. Nine.

14. A cat had three kittens: January, March and May. What was the mother’s name.

Ans. What. It stated ‘WHAT’ was the mother’s name.

15. James bond is throw out of an plane without any parachute. How he managed to survived?

Ans. The plane was on the ground.

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