BPSC Admit Card 2015 CCE Prelims Exam Call Letter Download

BPSC Admit Card 2015 CCE Prelims Exam Call Letter

BPSC Admit Card 2015

BPSC CCE Hall Ticket 2015

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) soon going to release BPSC Hall Ticket 2015 for all such applicants have applied for Common Combined Examination (CCE) 2015 also called as preliminary exam. Applicants can soon able to get download their own CCE Prelims Examination Admit Card through the help of online web site or portal provided by the official to check all examination post and upcoming recruitment process.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) organised the Common Combined Exam (CCE) to fill various vacant and empty posts in the official department for different purposes and this is the way way to have examination first and on the basis of that to choose eligible candidate for department. BPSC conducts this examination every year for filling the vacancies and this year too they have declare a job advertisement to recruit 700 best and qualified candidates for the department.

So applicants who have already applied for this exam and waiting for their call letter will able to download it directly when it is released from the official department, so stay updated to get your entry ticket to the examination hall.

Examination Organised By Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC)
Details Regarding BPSC Hall Ticket 2015
Examination Name Common Combined Exam (CCE) (Preliminary examination)
Exam Dates 15th March
Call Letter Status Before 20 days of examination

BPSC CCE Prelims Exam Call Letter 2015

As official will declare applicants BPSC CCE Prelims Examination Call Letter 2015 they can used to download it by having visit to here which can be updated and will provide the candidates a easy to get their hall ticket.

According to the information provided by official the examination can be conducted in upcoming month of month on 15th. So don’t worry about any any like exam pressure and any else like admit card just keep your concentration on study nothing else.

There are many and compulsory information contained in your admit card that’s why it is necessary to have for every one for the examination. It used to contain details like examination venue, candidate full name with photo graph and signature on it, date of examination, roll no and registration as well over their. So don’t forget to keep your CCE Prelims hall ticket with your self on the particular day of examination. With out one will make you allow to enter in main hall. So for more details and to get download your call letter have a look below on described steps in brief.

Follow the steps to download BPSC CCE Admit Card 2015

  • Applicants have to visit official website link at “bpsc.bih.nic.in”
  • Then select most appropriate option from the webpage described.
  • So finally fill your all required details over their like Application Name, Date of Birth or what ever asked to fill.
  • In Last submit all the information that you have filled.
  • As you click on submit button your call letter will came out to the system screen.
  • And you can used to download it directly and save it for examination.

Visit the official website and download your BPSC call letter simply.

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