Sarva UP Gramin Bank Recruitment For Officer & Office Asst Posts

Sarva UP Gramin Bank Recruitment 2015 ||Apply Online for total 417 Officer & Office Asst Posts:

Sarva UP Gramin Bank has opened for total 417 vacancies for Indian citizens, for the position of Officer in Middle Management (Scale III), Officer in Middle Management (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) and Office Assistant for Multipurpose. These positions are filled by those candidates who have qualified Online CWE-III exam for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September  2014. 

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NCMRWF Govt Jobs Recruitment 2015 – 25 Project Scientist

NCMRWF Govt Jobs Notification 2015 – 25 Project Scientist Post||Ministry of Earth Sciences||National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF)

National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF)  is looking for Project Scientist “C” (23 posts) and Project Scientist “D” (2 posts) on the contract basis till March 2017. And they will keep regular check up on progress of work at the end of  financial year for next consideration. And according to progress report they will decide about the contract that it will continue or not. And all the posts are  only for Indian  citizens.

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