Download CTET Admit Card 2015

CTET 2015 Admit Card Download Through CTET Call Letter

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) is the mandatory examination for all those aspirants who wish to become teacher in schools which came under Central Government (like KVS, NVS, Tibetan Schools, etc) and schools under the Administrative Control of UT of Chandigarh,Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and NCT of Delhi. The CTET exam organized two time in a year.

Download Hall Ticket Of CTET September 2015 Exam

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) can be conducted by Central Government on 20th September 2015. As per last years, this year too huge number of candidate participate in this examination. According to the official more than 5.6 Lac of candidates used to took part in this tets. CTET 2015 Exam can be organize at the various venues in through the Country. The online processs of Application Form CTET 2015 examination takes place from 30th July to 20th August .2015. This test can consist of two different category:

  1. To becoming Teacher for Classes VI-VIII (Elementary Stage)
  2. To becoming Teacher for Classes I-V (Primary Stage)

The Applicants those who are Applying For CTET 2015 Examination can download their Hall Ticket of CTET 2015 test which took place on September 20th, 2015 can get through the help of official site of the CTET or the Given mentioned link. The Admit Card for CTET 2015 can be uploaded in last week of August month.

How To Get CTET 2015 Call Letter ?

You can get the CTET 2015 Admit Card easily just by following steps stated as below :

  1. Visit the official web portal CTET  through: ““.
  2. Select the “Admit Card CTET 2015
  3. Enter your details as asked like Name, Reg. Number etc.
  4. As you click on submit, your admit card can be displayed.
  5. Take the printoutyourAdmit Card (CTET September 2015).

Click Here to download CTET Admit Card

You also have to take the ID proof and Two recent photograph while going to the examination center.

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