HPPSC Online Recruitment For Ranger Forest Officer Vacant Posts

Himachal Pradesh  Public Service Commission Recruitment for the post of Ranger forest officer

Himachal pradesh public commission (HPPSC) released notification under the advertisement number 7-I/3-2021 & 7-II/3-2021. Himachal pradesh public service commission (HPPSC) invited online application for the post of Ranger forest officer in the forest department class-II rank.

The online application submission started from 23/03/2021 to 19/04/2021. No other mode of applying shall be mentioned by the Himachal Pradesh public sevice commission (HPPSC). The post of Ranger forest officer is on the contract basis. Age of the candidate must be between 21 to 31 year and the age limit for the candidate who is already in the govt. job shall be 42 year.

Detailed distribution of the posts for Range forest officer:-

CategoryB.sc in forestryDegree in science or engg.Sum of posts
EWS (HP)400
ESM (OBC)101
ESM (ST)101
WESM (SC)011
ESM (SC)101
ESM (GEN)224

Qualification for the post of ranger forest officer (RFO):-

Candidate must have degree in engineering or science or its equivalent from a recognized board or university from a state or a centre government.

Required Physical Parameters:-

1 Male candidate has required height 163 cm and chest gith 79 cm in normal condition and 84 cm in expansion condition.

2 Male candidates must cover the distance of 25 kms in 4 hour on foot.

1 Female candidates has required height 150 cm and chest girth 74cm in normal condition and 79 cm in expansion condition.

2 Female candidate must cover the distance 16 kms in 4 hour on foot.

Examination fees for the post of Ranger forest officer:-           

400 rupees for the general category, EWS, WESM, WFF. 100 rupees for the SC, ST, OBC, BPL, EWS (BPL), SC, ST, OBC WESM. No fee for the EXM. Female candidates have been exempted from paying fees under the decision of Himachal Pradesh government.

Modes of selection:-

1 Computer based online objective type test.

2 Written test.

3 Physical standard test.

4 Personality test.

Syllabus for the Computer based test:-

For the normal graduate candidates :-

History, Geography, Social Economics of HP            30 points

Current affairs of national and international.        30 points

Modern history from 1857.                                       40 points

Total                                                                           100 Points

For the graduates in forestry:-

Subject related to forestry graduation                        80 points

Himchal Pradesh State GK                                          10 points

Current affair of national and international               10 points

Total                                                                            100 Points

This computer based test is only a screening test. Marks obtained in this test will not be considered for the final merit list.

Written test syllabus:- The written test will include two compulsory and two optional subject.

Compulsory subject:-

General English (100 points) + General knowledge (100 points)

Optional subject:-

Zoology, botany, agriculture, electrical, mechanical, civil, forestry, mathematics, physics, chemistry, electronics, computer, zoology.(200 points for each subject ) Candidates must have to select (2) two optional subjects from the above mentioned subjects.              

Personality test :-    100 points.

List of documents which are required to be uploaded at the time of online form filling:-

1 (10th) Matric certificate for age proof.

2 Degree certificate.

2 Category certificate like Sc, St, OBC, EWS, WFF, WESM, ESM, BPL.

3 Scanned pass-port size photograph and scanned signature in required size and format.

Terms used in this advertisement :- 

EWS:- Economically Weaker Section

ESM:- Ex Serviceman.

WESM:- Ward of Ex Serviceman.

WFF:- Ward of Freedom Fighter.

Sc:- Schedule Cast

St:- Schedule Tribe

OBC:- Other Backward Category

Apply Online For Ranger Forest Officer Post

HPPSC has invited application for the 45 posts of Ranger forest officer in HP. The method for applying  is online no candidate will be entertained  with any other method of applying for submission the application. After the last date i.e. 19/04/2021 till 11:59 the link will be closed.

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