How To Link Aadhaar Card With Ration Card Online/Offline

How To Link Aadhaar To Ration Card

Link Aadhar Card With Ration Card || Link Aadhar To Ration Card || Seed Aadhar With Ration Card || Seed Aadhaar To Ration Card || Link UID With Ration Card

Seed Aadhar Card To Ration Card

Ration cards were distributed to all Indian people by Government body, through the help of which each citizen able to get food like pulses, wheat, grain, and fuel like kerosene etc. at low price from market rate. The ration card is also used as proof of identity or resident proof like other documents such as passport, PAN card, aadhar card.

Ration cards are used on wide scale throughout the nation, while some of families used to get free ration through it those who are below poverty line. Also they can be used as proof for permanent address during making application for any government official such as aadhar card, PAN card, etc.

 But it has seen that many fraud cases of ration card has been caught by official, because people used to get more ration beyond their limit by applying different ration card, but rather than that any individual is not eligible for applying separate card

To overcome such incidents, government official has made it necessary to link your ration card with aadhar card. Aadhaar contain unique number for each individual and also store once personal details like thumb expression, eye scan etc. Also UID is linked with PAN, so as the result of that any one financial transaction details can be checked.

Seed Aadhaar Card With Ration Card

By completing the seeding process of Aadhar card with ration card, the government will easily point such person who found culprit of having various ration cards. The government will also be able to stop such person those who are not eligible for ration because of there is beyond the ration threshold for getting ration, and through the help of this it is ensured that right candidate get their necessary things provided at subsidized rate like fuel, food, grains at specified store..

You can seed your aadhaar to ration card by online / offline. The process for two method is provided below.

Read Also: Update Aadhar Details like Name, DOB, Phone No.

Link Aadhar With Ration Card Online

To link your Aadhaar card with your ration card online, you have to go with the steps described below:

  • Visit the official portal of Aadhaar seeding website and select “Start Now” option.
  • Provide your full address details, with district name, state.
  • From the given menu options, choose the Benefit Type, and that is “Ration Card”.
  • Select the scheme name, that is “ration card”
  • Provide your some details or be ready them in advance such as ration card number, Aadhaar number, email address and mobile number.
  • Then an OTP (One Time Password) will be received on phone number, mention it in the form.
  • After providing the OTP, an notification will appear on the screen will tell you that the application process is completed.
  • Your submitted application will be processed once you’re provided information verification done successfully. Then after you will get notification that your Aadhaar card has been seeded with ration card.
Link/Seed Aadhar With Ration Card – Offline

Citizen who wants to link their Aadhaar to ration card through offline way must have to go with following described procedure:

  • Make photo copies or have print outof all family members aadhar card including one copy of your ration card.
  • If you have not seeded Aadhaar to your respective bank account, then also make a photocopy of your bank passbook front page which contain your account, address detail .
  • Also prepare a passport sized photograph of your family head member and submit these details with proper documents to the nearby ration provider shop.
  • Once your documents has received by the respective official dept., you will get a notified through SMS or on mail id.
  • The official will keep your documents and as the ration card is seeded to the Aadhaar card, you will get a notification.

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