GSSSB Recruitment 2015 Accountant Auditor

GSSSB Recruitment 2015 Sub Accountant Auditor Post

GSSSB Recruitment Notification 2015

GSSSB Recruitment Notification 2015

Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board (GSSSB) Recruitment 2015 advertisement have been released via their official website to fill up 200 Sub Accountant and Auditor vacant posts in different state government department. Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board have gotten details from Govt authorities to hire candidates for state by SSB Recruitment 2015, candidates those who are wishing and have interest in this kind of job can apply via online mode and for that fill the online application form provided at, on 4th April 2015 the selection commission has updated the job notification, as the application form filling process ended, selection board will begin to provide call letter to candidates for attending written examination which can be conducted by official.

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