TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015 Download Call Letter

TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015 Download Call Letter

TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015

TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission had already notify about the assistant agriculture officer job advertisement. So all those applicants who are looking for TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015 have to wait some time. Whenever the official department declares hall Ticket you can able to download Assistant Agricultural Officer admit card /Call Letter for the described post from its official website link provided below.

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission always allows entire eligible, interested and energetic Job hunters who are really willingly or want to be a part of their official department. So at this time they have refereed the official notification on 30th January 2015 to hire various applicants in Assistant Agricultural Officer positions. And as a result great number of interested applicants have applied for the same posts though the notice.

Now they all are searching to know the current status of call letter which they definitely got in upcoming time and also depend on authorities too. Our team of members will provides the current status by updating the desired link on our web portal on daily basis.

Organization Name Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)
Information Regarding TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015
Post Name Assistant Agricultural Officer
Examination Date 18th April 2015
Call letter Tentative Dates First week of April 2015

 TNPSC Assistant Agricultural Officer 2015 Hall Ticket /Call Letter

As per the official schedule available by the authority, the examination for the same agriculture assistant officer post will be held on upcoming date of 18th April. So, applicants wish to download TNPSC AAO Hall Ticket 2015 Call Letter and then concentrate and focus on their studies.

All those job seekers who have not gotten their call letter must visit this official web site and links too and check out the current notification and daily News Updates through the help of same website. We also recommend every applicants that they must downloaded their admit card whenever higher authorities or department update or can issue it because without it you can not allow to sit in examination hall on particular day. Applicants can download their entry card through the help of these simple steps which we mentioned provide if facing some issue with their admit card.

Follow Steps to get TNPSC AAO Admit Card 2015

  • Applicants have to visit the official web portal through “”
  • Now check out the desired option in “Latest News” and select it out.
  • Open that link in new Tab and enter all the compulsory information in it like your Name registration No., Date of Birth etc.
  • And finally your call letter will appear on your screen.
  • Save it and download in proper format and don’t forget to bring the hard copy of it on the day of examination.

Also, Visit the official link to download Admit card Of TNPSC

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